January 8, 2024

Best Practices for Financial Advisor Websites: Everything You Need to Know

As a financial advisor, your website is one of the most valuable marketing tools at your disposal. It’s a place where prospects can learn about your services, get in touch with you, and ultimately, become clients.

However, creating a website that stands out in a crowded market can be a challenge that many advisors are nervous to take on.

Let's talk about best practices used to advance your digital footprint:

Establish your goals

First things first: what are your goals? Before designing your website, it’s essential to identify its purpose and clearly define your goals and expectations.

Think of building a website like building a house—you wouldn't start constructing walls and adding features without first having a blueprint to follow. Similarly, by identifying the purpose of your website, you'll have a blueprint to guide your website design.

Are you hoping to generate leads? Will your website be a hub of information for your current clients? Maybe you want your website to be a platform for referrals to grow your business. Whatever your goals may be, make sure they are clear and specific.

Once you have established the goals, you can then tailor your website to meet these objectives. For example, if your goal is to generate leads, you may want to incorporate lead generation forms prominently on your site. If you want your website to be a resource hub, you may want to include a blog or a knowledge center. By designing your website with your goals in mind, you'll be more likely to achieve the desired outcome.

Remember, your website is often the first point of contact between you and your potential customers. So, take the time to establish your goals and make sure your website design aligns with those objectives. This way, you'll be setting yourself up for success and ensuring your website is an effective tool for your business.

Include Clear Messaging

Website messaging is one of the most critical, if not *the* most critical, aspects of a strong performing website. An average user spends about 50 seconds on a website, which is less than one minute to make a solid first impression on a potential client. In the financial sector, nearly half of website visitors leave after seeing only one page of content. This is a stark reminder that users’ time is valuable, and we need to treat it as such.

The Less is More Approach, or LIMA, is a common web design principle that helps users keep messaging clear. In short, LIMA encourages simplifying the user experience and reducing clutter in order to make a stronger impact. You don’t need excessive copy just to prove you have something valuable to say.

When writing website copy, try to answer these three questions:

• What does your business do?

• Who does your business serve?

• What things make your business uniquely qualified to serve the user?

Remember, when creating content for your website, it’s important to focus on the end user. What are they going to find valuable and what is going to help them understand what problems you can help them solve.

Focus on simple, intentional, and high-quality design.

First impressions matter, and your website's design is often the first thing users will notice. A poorly designed website can create a negative impression and turn users away, while a well-designed website can establish trust with users and help your website stand out from the competition. Consistent branding and high-quality design can also create a memorable user experience and increase the likelihood of users returning to your website.

Some ways to include intentional design:

  • Using a color palette that reflects your brand values and resonates with your audience.
  • Leveraging typography (fonts and text styles) that’s easy to read and reflects your brand's personality.
  • Incorporate high-quality imagery and graphics that help illustrate points, break up sections of text, and evoke emotion.
  • Use white space effectively to create a clean and balanced design that’s easy to scan and consume.

Use Consistent Call to Actions

Call to Actions (often referred to as CTAs) are usually found on buttons throughout a website, and drive the user to take action. CTAs should always be clear and concise, using simple and direct language that leaves no room for confusion.

  • Use action-oriented verbs, such as “schedule,” “subscribe,” or “download,” to encourage users to take action
  • Be specific. Your CTA should communicate the exact action that the user is expected to take. For example, instead of using “Click here,” use “Click here to sign up for our newsletter.”
  • Create urgency. Creating a sense of urgency can encourage users to take action quickly. Use phrases like “Limited time offer” or “Act now” to create urgency and motivate users to take action.

In the website example shown below, the advisor offers a retirement analysis to help users quickly identify their retirement preparedness. The call to action is clear, and doesn’t require a heavy commitment from the user (the verbiage makes it obvious that it only takes five minutes). Additionally, using this CTA to address users that are middle-funnel* by offering value before extracting it.

*Middle-funnel prospects are in the consideration phase of their customer journey, contemplating solutions to their problem and viewing your service as a potential fit.

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